My baby boy

Created by Leon's Mummy 16 years ago
I was nearly 18 weeks pregnant when I found out I had lost my much wanted first son when he was born we found he was only just about 15 weeks. Leon was born asleep on Saturday the 3rd of may 2008 after we found out through a scan he had became an angel. He weighed 31 grams and mesured 9.2cm in length from his head to his bottom. He was tiny but soooo perfect He gave his mummy so much strength and love and for that I am always thankful. We had a post mortem done and nothing showed up he was doing fine. I was so happy when I found out I was pregnant with Leon yet my life came down around me a few months later. He was so small yet you could see his eyes, mouth, nose, ears everything we said he looked like likes his grandad. We miss him every single day and that will never change.